A yard of mulch can be purchased either in bulk (loose) or in bags. The cost is about the same in either format. "Yard" means cubic yard. One cubic yard is 3 feet high, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet ...
Instead of throwing away your empty soil or mulch bags, consider giving them a second life and reducing waste at home with these gardening hacks.
On Saturday, April 5 from 8am – 12pm, leaf mulch is available for pick up at Glade Road Growing. Loose and bagged leaves collected by the Town are composted ...
The City of Florala celebrated Monday with the official announcement that Sims Bark will build its latest mulch and soil ...
The owner of a Marco Island landscaping company, Albert Benaroch, was arrested for allegedly stealing more than $13,000 worth of red mulch from Collier County. More than 6,100 bags of the mulch ...