Major power generation companies affiliated with South Korean conglomerates, including Samsung and Posco subsidiaries, plan to file a complaint with the Fair Trade Commission against Korea Electric ...
Power beaming could allow an orbiting space-based power station to deliver one gigawatt of solar power, enough to power about ...
There’s a cheaper, faster way to expand power grid capacity without waiting on massive new infrastructure projects.
A new report explores how Southwest Power Pool can meet the demand of substantial load growth while keeping electricity ...
As the world moves decisively towards a cleaner, more resilient energy future, the role of renewable and distributed energy ...
This growth in demand, combined with the increase in the share of intermittent renewable energies, will require massive ...
Advanced transmission technologies could sidestep permitting challenges and clear the bottleneck holding up hundreds of gigawatts’ worth of renewable-energy projects.
By integrating the Iridium Certus 9704 IoT module, Heimdall Power's Neuron sensors can reliably send critical electric power ...
850 Columbia REA customers were affected by the outage. Steve Owens with Columbia REA said power was pulled from another ...
The deregulated Texas electricity market has three separate segments: retail electric providers, transmission and ...