You can get rid of fruit flies fast effectively—and naturally—with things you probably already have in your kitchen.
Any produce that is no longer edible should be thrown away immediately. "A major step in fruit fly control is the elimination of their feeding and breeding grounds," says Fredericks. "If you ...
It seems to happen overnight. One day, my kitchen is just fine and the next, it’s buzzing with a gross infestation of fruit flies. I always eye the bananas on the counter and figure they are to ...
Councils in the food bowl are calling for urgent reinstatement of government funding to protect some of Victoria’s most ...
76, No. 2 (Jun., 1993), pp. 245-251 (7 pages) Parasitic Hymenoptera were introduced into Florida in an attempt to bring the Caribbean fruit fly (caribfly) under biological control. A total of 15 ...
The increasing risk of Queensland Fruit Fly (Qfly) was highlighted during a community forum held in Shepparton last night, delivered by Greater ...
A joint PNG-Australia expedition visited remote Treaty Villages in PNG's Western Province last week to discuss and help ...
quality control, behaviour and genetic of major insect pests of agriculture, veterinary and human importance, such as fruit flies, moths, tsetse flies and mosquites. The Laboratory also provides ...