Baltimore City Public Schools are the subject of a financial ... The audit also found the district failed to properly prescreen new hires who work with students. Most of the findings were related ...
As expected, Jamestown’s 2023 budget finished the year out of balance by $923,000. The audited amount confirms what Mayor Kim ...
The audit also states there were unauthorized transfers of funds that, in some cases, violated state laws and policies. The audit concluded these unauthorized transfers posed financial and ...
A federal audit released earlier this month by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Office of the Inspector General uncovered notable financial mismanagement in several of Northeastern ...
Tobi is a crypto writer at Investopedia. He aims to simplify the complex concepts of blockchain and cryptocurrencies for the masses. Stella Osoba is the Senior Editor of trading and investing at ...
Tether, Inc. has appointed Simon McWilliams as Chief Financial Officer (CFO ... containing over $1.3B in value. The most recent cooperation was to intercept and freeze some of the funds and ...
Investopedia / Michela Buttignol A forensic audit involves a detailed examination and evaluation of a firm’s or individual’s financial records ... on the payroll, but most large, commercial ...
Now, eight years later, committee members say the town has repeatedly failed to make corrections recommended in former audits. Century's financial stability was at the center of a letter sent to ...
A recent audit conducted by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor reported ... Apart from the theft, the auditor report included a financial overview of the Jefferson Parish Public School System. The net ...
Gov. Tony Evers called for an audit of Milwaukee Public Schools after a financial crisis that led to the district superintendent's resignation.
STILLWATER, Okla. — A recently released audit claims Oklahoma State University mismanaged millions of taxpayer dollars that were appropriated by the Oklahoma Legislature. The Office of Internal ...