Star Wars‘s original trilogy was a massive hit, but it was to be almost twenty years before fans got more adventures from the ...
If you need refreshers on Star Wars characters that have made the jump from cartoons to live-action, check out our pieces on Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Grand Admiral Thrawn ...
To a Star Wars fan, every character and detail is seared into the base of their brain for eternity. So much so that in their next life, they’ll still spit facts about a galaxy far, far away.
Darth Vader just killed Watto. No, he did it in 2015. No, Darth Maul beheaded him. Why is this minor Star Wars villain's fate ...
Square Enix's Final Fantasy series has a long history of Star Wars Easter eggs, including recurring characters like Biggs and ...
Serkis demonstrated his talent in bringing complex characters to life in Star Wars. Star Wars has a plethora of well-crafted characters with long-term development that fans love or love to hate ...
Some of our favorite Star Wars characters have a little bit of mercenary in them but are ultimately heroes. And on the other side, even some of the most evil characters in the galaxy far, far away ...
The Star Wars lightsaber hilt replicas that Disney / Lucasfilm produce for the Parks and The Disney Store are extremely ...