"No, you see. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do." Thus spoke Tom Cruise, the man who dropped out of high school and whose prescription of choice is proposing to a girl ...
Brooke Shields has revealed that Tom Cruise is capable of apologizing ... into a notoriously unhinged rant against medication and psychiatry. He even went so far as to call Shields "irresponsible ...
Tom Cruise publicly mocked her for this ... He stated that the actress knew nothing about psychiatry, called the drugs a form of narcotics, and added that instead of taking them, she should ...
Brooke Shields is revisiting her highly publicized dispute with Tom Cruise in her latest memoir ... She doesn't understand the history of psychiatry." Shields, stunned by the comments, described ...
Brooke Shields has reflected on her feud with Tom Cruise after he publicly ... “doesn’t understand the history of psychiatry.” Shields hit back at Cruise at the time with an op-ed for ...
Tom Cruise publicly criticized her for this ... He stated that the actress knew nothing about psychiatry, called the drugs a form of narcotics, and added that instead of taking them, she should ...