Every day, I plead with God to save them. Every day. For years. Decades even. And each day, I learn through my sometimes-weak faith more about waiting on God — and more about me. 1. I’m ...
A woman has been charged with leaving her mother’s dead body in a Brooklyn Center home for more than a month, later claiming she was waiting for her to be resurrected. The 55-year-old woman was ...
I am not by nature a patient person, but over the years God has taught me a very valuable lesson, and that is to wait on Him.
Trusting God’s timing is often difficult, especially when life feels uncertain, or we’ve been waiting for something for a ...
A day of Xiaoyang the curator of a village church Xiaoyang and her husband have just registered their marriage but they cannot hold a wedding in the church for her husband is not a Christian ...
We will examine the significance of waiting periods and provide practical ways to prepare for them. By understanding the lessons hidden within these moments, you can embrace the waiting ...
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Local people have documented this omiwatari or "the God's Crossing," for hundreds of years. But changing weather patterns have taken their toll. The chief priest and parishioners from Yatsurugi ...
Discover the powerful concept of God's Positioning System, as Bishop Monroe Saunders shares his insightful analogy in Baltimore, Maryland.
The woman identified herself as her mother’s only caretaker, saying she had not reported the death because she was waiting for God to “resurrect” her mother. She also said she had not been ...
A jovial old bean, Tom spent 40 years behind a desk in a mundane office job, and developed a keen - and some might say over-active - imagination to keep himself sane. Unfortunately, that habitual ...
Diana and Tom have moved in together. On paper it seems like a mutually beneficial arrangement, but in practice is far from ideal. Someone'll have to give in - eventually! Meanwhile, there's a very ...