Though the text was Cyrillic, the imagery was clear: These were World War II propaganda posters promoting the Soviet-U.S. alliance and savaging Adolf Hitler. INSIDE THE ARCHIVES PhillyVoice peeks ...
The Brandeis University World War I and World War II Propaganda Posters collection includes nearly 100 different images (a majority from the WWI era) addressing a variety of American war aims. The ...
A poster portraying the “Second Patriotic War” as World War I was known in Russia. (Napoleon’s 1812 invasion was Russia’s first “patriotic war.”) Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II ...
Maher imagined patriotic posters reminiscent of the iconography of World War II — but of course ... like Saudi Arabia and Russia, he likes.” “So this is not new, but it has changed so ...
By the end of World War II, that number had spiked to more than ... The "We Can Do It" poster many of us think about when someone mentions Rosie the Riveter was just one in a long line of war ...
Posters adorned ... weary from the First World War, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the Russian throne during the February Revolution. A provisional government replaced Russia’s monarchist regime.