Sudden Infant Deaths Surge Amid Covid Vaccine Rollout** A recent alarming study has unveiled a significant spike in sudden infant deaths following the rollout of C ...
In a surprising turn of events, a university president has stood firmly in defense of free speech, igniting a larger conversation about censorship and the need for open discourse on college campuses.
Hillary Clinton's recent comments about Trump supporters have reignited the firestorm surrounding her controversial "basket of deplorables" remark from 2016. Refusing to back down from her earlier ...
Recent polling data from American Thinker and Rasmussen surveys reveals a surprising trend: voters in key battleground states are displaying a notable shift in favor of Donald Trump as they grow ...
Angel Moms are not holding back as they call out Vice President Kamala Harris for her neglect of one of the most critical issues facing American families today: border security. In a stark ...
Alarming Election Integrity Concerns Emerge in Michigan as GOP Raises Red Flags** Michigan Republican Chairman Pete Hoekstra has voiced serious concerns regarding potential vote manipulation in the ...
The corporate media's blatant favoritism towards terrorists and disdain for Republicans is becoming an alarming trend in America. Recent observations reveal a disturbing pattern wherein major news ...
The poll indicates that 26% of young men in this age group identify with conservative values, surpassing the 22% who align with liberal ideologies. This shift represents a departure from historical ...
Injustice** A Boise State University coffee shop owner, Sarah Fendley, has been awarded a staggering $4 million in damages after a jury ruled that the university violated her Fi ...
Disaster: Kamala Harris Shows Unfitness for Presidency** In the shadow of her Vice Presidency, Kamala Harris has reached out for the highest office in the land, but observers ar ...
Up Call for American Diplomacy** As tensions rise in Lebanon amidst the escalating Israel-Hezbollah conflict, the U.S. State Department has taken p ...
The assassination of Hassan Nasrallah marks a decisive turning point in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, showcasing Israel's unwavering commitment to eradicating terror threats in ...