We respond to the disappointing decision NICE has made to not recommend donanemab and lecanemab on the NHS. On Thursday, 6 March, NICE published further draft guidance for public consultation that ...
We respond to the disappointing decision NICE has made to not recommend donanemab and lecanemab on the NHS. We've funded research 30 years ago responsible for identifying the role of the amyloid ...
DiADeM is a tool to support GPs in diagnosing dementia for people living with advanced dementia in a care home setting. It has been developed by the Yorkshire and Humber Dementia Strategic Clinical ...
Worried about memory problems Back Causes of memory problems Talking to someone about their memory problems Is it getting older or dementia?
Our school teaching resources make it easy to teach and learn about dementia from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4. No prior knowledge of dementia is required. All of these resources can be used in class, ...
If a person with dementia is grieving, it’s important to support them. Read our tips on helping them grieve, as well as advice if they're asking for the person who has died. A person with dementia may ...
Worried about memory problems Back Causes of memory problems Talking to someone about their memory problems Is it getting older or dementia?
Find out why possible links between contact sports and dementia must be balanced against the benefits of physical exercise on the brain. Please note - This information reflects the evidence at the ...
Worried about memory problems Back Causes of memory problems Talking to someone about their memory problems Is it getting older or dementia?
Find out how to run co-production methods when working with people with dementia. Discover the pros, cons, and useful resources. Co-production for dementia Recruitment and ethical considerations for ...
From the October/November 2016 issue of our magazine, we asked forum members for their advice if someone's father had dementia symptoms but refused to discuss them or to see the GP. Hodge says, 'Try ...
Please note: These sites are updated on a daily basis, for the working week we are in. We try to maintain the most accurate and up to date sites lists as possible, however these may be subject to ...