The combination of "copper" and "penny" might not seem like the best formula for valuable coins considering that you can find ...
One interesting thing about money is that although paper notes usually have a higher currency value than coins, you'll make a ...
The Feb. 16, 1861, visit was while Lincoln was enroute to his first inauguration and while the nation was on the brink of ...
IDAHO FALLS – Abraham ... Lincoln could’ve been our governor!” The debate about slavery in the western territories of the United States continued for years, and came to a head in 1861 ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. About the Archive This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of ...
Abraham Lincoln was left speechless by this mind-bending magic trick! It’s a story you’ve never heard before. Watch as we reveal the secret behind the trick that even fooled Honest Abe.
Chances are you’ve heard of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. The series of debates between Abraham Lincoln and U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas launched Lincoln into national prominence ...
This coin was the first in the country's history to feature the face of a real person, instead of symbols or abstract figures. On its obverse is the portrait of Abraham Lincoln, while on its reverse ...