The Simpsons has introduced memorable and well-structured characters over its ongoing long life that have become fan ...
Upon re-watching “Bart to the Future”, the seventeenth episode of The Simpsons‘ eleventh season recently, the reality sunk in that we were so close to our first female president. Watching ...
Happy National Cereal Day, which is celebrated annually on March 7. This special holiday honors one of America's most beloved breakfast staples — cereal! The goal of this day is to celebrate the ...
O.J. Simpson has long been a popular topic of discussion on Saturday Night Live, and the show’s 50th anniversary special was no different. Former SNL writer John Mulaney delivered a joke about ...
2:02 Mother of beaten teen gets some money from court settlement Jessie Simpson’s life changed forever nine years ago. But finally, his family is seeing some money from a settlement, although it ...
The Simpsons‘ “The Past and the Furious” imagines a version of Springfield where all plants have been wiped out thanks to Mr. Burns’ expanding corporate reach. When Lisa gets depressed at ...
Texas real estate agent Suzanne Simpson vanished over four months ago, and her husband, Brad Simpson, who is charged with the mother-of-four's murder, returned to court this week as his defense ...
IF YOU DON'T immediately understand Baron Davis, just wait a few minutes. The retired NBA All-Star is a man of ambitions, concepts, goals and imagination. A cheerful optimist, a charismatic ...