Upon re-watching “Bart to the Future”, the seventeenth episode of The Simpsons‘ eleventh season recently, the reality sunk in that we were so close to our first female president. Watching ...
A classic Golden Age episode of The Simpsons provided the show with one of its darkest stories, but I think the show should ...
In the video, Yuks, a 9-year-old cat with 20.9K followers on Instagram, is sitting forlornly in a room. His posture and demeanor clearly indicate that he is feeling down. Then, his owner enters ...
Three generations of women explore their connections and differences through a family archive of photographs, music, and storytelling in an intimate search for their identity and roots, bringing ...
“For Those With Sad Hearts” by Jung Ki-hyun and “Guana” by Choi Min-woo. The anthology of winning works will be released Tuesday. The grand prize includes a cash prize of 50 million won ($ ...
RHOBH's Jennifer Tilly doesn't think she's rich despite Simpsons divorce settlement: 'I guess I'm delusional' Taika Waititi forgot he was on The Simpsons: 'What's that?' RHOBH star Jennifer ...
Is a “divorce album” on the horizon for Jessica Simpson? That’s the question on many fans’ minds after Simpson dropped a new single, “Leave,” with lyrics that seemingly allude to a romantic partner’s ...
“I’m very shocked and I am heartbroken today,” she said. “And I think there’s going to be a lot of sad hearts across Newfoundland and Labrador, maybe even Canada, because he’s shown some outstanding ...