In his book, Mohler, who is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, draws attention to a biblical teaching ...
Simmons College President Kevin Cosby said his goal is to open the doors at Christ the King for teachers and students by fall ...
The first Arkansas post of the Catholic War Veterans & Auxiliary was established in Little Rock, with a focus on supporting ...
The question many of us have asked ourselves over the last several years: “How did a movement like ‘Black Lives Matter’ persuade an entire nation — seemingly sane, normal people — to embrace radical, ...
On March 8, nearly 3,000 men and women declared their intentions to join the church at the Rite of Election. The ceremony ...
Michael Stewart, the Satanic Grotto’s founder, said the host he plans to use in next week’s Topeka ritual “came from Pope ...
Nearly a year ago this month, the phrase Christ is King became a source of division among Evangelicals and Christians in ...
St. Patrick Catholic Church, 4 Valley View Rd., will be celebrating its 100th birthday, beginning with an 11 a.m. Mass with ...
How Christianity blurred the line between celibacy and androgyny.
Meanwhile, Pope Francis is the 266th pope to serve the Roman Catholic Church, and he assumed the papacy in 2013. He followed Pope Benedict XVI, who spearheaded the church from 2005 until he ...
Those 14 and older in the Catholic church are expected to abstain from ... to prepare for Easter and the celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection. This is a season of discipline for those ...
In a significant act for the head of the Catholic Church, Francis concluded by speaking of non-Catholics who have inspired him: Martin Luther King Jr., Desmond Tutu and Mahatma Gandhi. In his last ...