Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is a vital cash-crop for four to six million small-holder farmers across the tropics, and supports a global chocolate industry valued at over USD 100 billion annually.
Scientists trace the rapid spread of Oropouche virus beyond the Amazon, revealing its evolution through reassortment and the ...
Co-author Dr Acheampong Atta-Boateng, who recently completed his doctoral work at the University of Oxford, said: 'Cocoa is pollinated by tiny insects such as midges and thrips, and it comes as ...
Cocoa prices have risen 400 per cent to $12,218 ... Changing climatic conditions may adversely affect the tiny midge pollinators which the trees rely on to fertilize their flowers.
Sustainable agricultural practices could help to secure and improve global cocoa yields, according to an Oxford University study. Cocoa, a vital cash crop for millions of smallholder farmers ...
Climate change poses a major well-known risk to cacao production. But a new study finds that low pollination is also limiting ...
Many have wished for those pesky flies to just disappear, but the truth of what their extinction would do to Earth's ...
Climate change is also imperilling the tiny Forcipomyia midge—the main pollinator of T. cacao, writes Christian Aid in its Cocoa Crisis report. Without these midges, cocoa trees cannot be effectively ...