As the wise sage Fergie once said, "A little party never killed nobody." But if you're partying at the bar and you have poor ...
A video showing parents how to get small kids to help with laundry quickly garnered 60 million views – and lots of critics.
Jiménez Jr., claiming that assorted versions of Blucifer on T-shirts and stickers sold at ... we got tired of seeing the Colorado flag on everything. Denver is so much cooler than the Colorado ...
For the second time in less than a week, a lunar lander has touched down on the moon's surface. Houston-based aerospace company "Intuitive Machines" is communicating with its Athena Lander, but the ...
The Senate health committee announced Thursday morning that it was canceling a planned hearing on Weldon’s nomination because ...
Some 2,500 people from around the world are helping landscape the compound at Kibbutz Hatzerim, southern Israel, where Be'eri ...
The raucous response from Republicans to Donald Trump during Tuesday's address underscored how he has reshaped the GOP in his ...
If you're about to go to the gym, should you eat something beforehand? Or is it better to wait till after? Well, it depends.
Sarah Burgamy, a psychologist and member of the LGBTQ+ community, remembers well the foreboding feeling of coming out as a teen. "I had struggled with the awareness that our culture was not ...
Deion Sanders and Colorado dominated the headlines ... contests featuring current and former players, a women's flag football game and an equipment sale of discounted jerseys, helmets and team ...
Jerseys must be tucked in and no part of clothing can cover up any part of the player's flag. Each player will wear a one-piece belt at the waistline with two flags attached, one on each side. The ...