The largest and most infamous corruption scandal of the last decade began with a criminal investigation into the operations ...
Quebec, a utility owned by the Quebec provincial government, pointed to weather issues, not politics or tariffs, as the ...
Norway-based aluminium and energy company Hydro Energi has entered a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with NTE.
A electric power plant, originally plan to be located near Talihina and straddling the Kiamichi River has been stalled, once ...
The European Investment Bank is holding off on decisions to finance the $760 million Ruzizi III hydropower plant in Central Africa, due to fighting between Rwandan-backed rebels and the Democratic ...
Trout Unlimited is joining forces with other agencies and asks residents to participate in asking regulatory and management ...
Energy Source Wind farms and hydroelectric dams stand as giants in the realm of renewable energy, each harnessing natural ...
Water levels of the St. Joseph River, upstream of Indiana Michigan Power's Elkhart Hydroelectric Plant, will be raised to spring and summer operating levels starting March 17.
Now scientists from the University of California San Diego have uncovered a key finding to another unique property: at high ...