A New Hope, ” “The Empire Strikes Back” has solidified its place in pop culture as the greatest “Star Wars” film in what has ...
Fans of the Star Wars movies have discovered an interesting fact about The Empire Strikes back 45 years after it was released.
Disney's Star Wars may have faults, but it has provided valuable context for some of Star Wars' oldest stories, including ...
Luke Skywalker had every right to be upset with Obi-Wan Kenobi after Return of the Jedi, but one moment proves just how angry he truly was.
The Empire Strikes Back, the second film in the initial Star Wars trilogy, will open the 16th annual TCM Classic Film ...
The Empire Strikes Back , the second film in George Lucas ’  Star Wars  trilogy, will open the 16th annual TCM Classic Film ...
Star Wars has historically been ubiquitous in gaming, and that's not changing anytime soon, as several high-profile game ...
The bounty hunters of Star Wars are some of the fiercest fighters in the galaxy, and fans love to see them pursue their ...
We first see Darth Sidious in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire ... Return of the Jedi, however, as Sidious plays a larger role, and McDiarmid wasn't the first choice. As he told USA Today back ...
Look, we’re starting this movie with our protagonist going off to a desert island to meet a Jedi master ... going to be very similar to The Empire Strikes Back. But I don’t think, after ...
If you were hovering like a ‘thopter, waiting for the inevitable arrival of a Hans Zimmer epic in the nominations for Best ...
Dan Jones What most people know of medieval English King Henry V, if most people know anything at all about him, is ...