Yoda was first introduced to Star Wars audiences in The Empire Strikes Back and quickly became the moral compass of the ...
How do you manage the emotions that arise when confronted with these unknowns? Typically, a strong emotional response such as ...
In fact, their active suppression of emotions or resorting to anger during arguments can actually ... public speaking is a collectively anxiety-inducing fear for many students — a fear that ...
"But more than fear of personal ridicule, I fear the unmitigated glee of mob mentality, the kind that leads too easily to ... "‘This is America’ to quote Childish Gambino Donald Glover so ...
Do you remember the Blink 182 Christmas EP “Dogs Eating Dogs?” Probably not, but put the song “Disaster” on repeat while ...
A strong and loyal character, Aragorn was one of the most courageous in The Lord of the Rings, and some of his best quotes ...
“When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes,” the quote ... anger and fear and concern ...
And from the political elite of the country, all the way down to the street and ordinary Canadians, the nation is going through a range of emotions — anger, fear, insecurity. And I think it goes ...