By 1871, however, Fisk was severely in debt and the choral ensemble, the Fisk Jubilee Singers, traveled the world and saved the school. Stevens was one of the Fisk singers from 2006 to 2010.
A program for the Jubilee Singers. The Dutch flocked to see for the singers, earning the troupe $10,000 in Holland. President Cravath of Fisk joined the troupe in 1877 after its director ...
This Black History Month, we’re taking time to highlight the Fisk Jubilee Singers. Their songs have inspired communities since the late 1800s, and they're still going strong today. Trump admin ...
George White's leadership of the Jubilee Singers was the culmination ... contributed his own meager savings toward Fisk's upkeep, by the autumn of 1871 the school was deep in debt.