Two of the soldiers are seen smoking cigarettes while a separate image shared on Telegram shows an operative wearing a gas mask. The special forces soldiers walked around nine miles (15km ...
Credit: via Scopal Earlier, Russian Telegram channels published videos of special forces in gas masks, some swearing, inside what looked like a large pipe. Sudzha, a crucial gas transfer hub ...
All political parties that supported former President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the recent Presidential Election are to contest the upcoming General Election under the New Democratic Front (NDF), with ...
Instead they waded into a political minefield because they ended up reproducing the symbol of the SS, Nazi Germany’s murderous elite force. On Tuesday, the owners said the whole thing “is a ...
Community collection points were established. Jump ahead a few weeks, and masks have become a new symbol of political division. In April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed ...