Significant discrepancies exist between the GS determined by the prostate biopsy ... on the series and the periods examined. [2–8] Such downgrading has a significant impact on treatment ...
Investigators assess the impact of increasing persistent PSA levels on prostate cancer–specific mortality and all-cause ...
This accounted for just 8% of prostate cancer diagnoses from ... prostate cancer can depend on the grade of your cancer cells ...
For that trial, the eligible patients were the ones who had metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer with at least ... advanced Gleason score 8 to 10, and metastatic site distribution ...
Prediction of the probability of recurrence after surgery with the use of the available information before the surgery (prostate-specific antigen [PSA] level, Gleason score of the biopsy specimen ...
Approximately 1 in 8 people with a prostate are diagnosed ... such as: PSA level Gleason score: A prostate cancer grade of 1 to 5 that is based on how abnormal your cells look under a microscope ...
The open-label study included 100 men (mean age, 64.2 years; range, 46-83; 85% white) undergoing active surveillance for prostate cancer. All men had Gleason ... 6 to omega-3 (8.7 to 5.7 without ...
Researchers evaluated links between lifestyle and dietary index scores and risk of death in a prospective, multiethnic cohort of men diagnosed with non-metastatic prostate cancer.