Up early and ready to compete, more than 50 students from multiple elementary schools gathered at the Indiana State Museum.
Meet Dr. Craig Stanford, a leading primatologist whose research has transformed how we understand great apes and their world.
Of course, the intergalactic franchise is sacrosanct as a cultural institution, so the president of Lucasfilm — home to “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones” — has one of the most prestigious posts in ...
Cosmic code or just a series of incredible coincidences? The chase is on for Bradley Walsh in Egypt as he fulfils a lifelong ...
The enigma of The Cosmic Code endures as a scientific reality and an unresolved puzzle. As Bradley tours and confronts his ...
Lux Vide revives "Sandokan" with Can Yaman, blending CGI and real sets for a modern take on the classic pirate tale.
Greg Mottola’s coming-of-age comedy turns the standard plot of boys worrying about their virginity status into a madcap chaos machine. Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse star as ...
What makes a good self-help book? The excellent book mentioned here is Philippa Perry’s The Book You Want Everyone You Love to Read. Rebecca Watson’s column also contains mention of Cate Blanchett’s ...
Superheroes don't always have super strength and heat vision, sometimes they have just super technology or a lot of prep time ...
Spies, soldiers, and superheroes – such were the cinematic heroes of the time. So get ready and buckle up, these are the 35 ...
What’s happening Kissimmee Home and Garden Show: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. March 15, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. March 16, Osceola Heritage Park, 1875 Silver Spur Lane, Kissimmee, free admission and parking, email ...
A bit like Salgari, the author of the, books did because he never traveled ... For Michelini, the inspiration goes back to the swashbucklers of his own youth, “Indiana Jones” and “The Mummy” films.