For male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes ... That annoying whine of a mosquito flying past your ear represents one of nature’s most sophisticated acoustic systems, a flying marvel of biological ...
Mosquitoes carry viruses such as dengue ... The genetically modified fly produces and stores venom proteins in its male accessory gland—a fly's prostate—along with other seminal fluid proteins. Upon ...
On a still night, as the air is thick with silence, the sharp, whining buzz of a mosquito shatters ... 8 Beach and Maselko used the fly Drosophila melanogaster to test the proof of concept of the ...
The virus, which is primarily transmitted via mosquitoes ... flying around. MYTH: Zika can spread by kissing. While there have been cases of sexually transmitted Zika, both from male to female ...
Lee County Mosquito Control District has a new way to lower the population of mosquitoes. The sterilized insect program sterilizes male backyard mosquitoes and doesn't require chemicals or pesticides.
Proposed release locations would be spaced 1,300 feet apart, so a drone flying at 22 mph would ... importation and release of male southern house mosquitoes in Hawaii. The project would only ...
How mosquitoes were able to tune in to certain sounds while tuning out the sound of their own flying (and any other background noise) has never been investigated before now. But using ...
“My whole career, I’ve worked on fruit flies, and because of the genetic tools that are available, we’ve learned a lot about how the antenna works as an ear in the fruit fly,” Eberl said. “We’ve been ...
Current research topics of the Fruit Fly Research Group include ... the improvement of competitiveness of irradiated male mosquitoes, (4) the assessment of radiation dose-response curves and related ...
The device uses a neural learning algorithm to identify mosquitoes flying nearby. Once a mosquito is detected, a laser is aimed at it and activated in order to “thermally neutralize” the pest.
Mosquitoes carry viruses such as dengue ... The genetically modified fly produces and stores venom proteins in its male accessory gland – a fly’s prostate – along with other seminal fluid ...