Austrian group Kronospan, already active on the Romanian market, announced it is taking over the ZF Timber Sebes wood ...
The project is one of the largest developments in the town and was previously denied due to flooding concerns.
When: Earl Township Board of Supervisors meeting, Feb. 3. What happened: Farmland on the south side of New Holland in Earl Township may soon grow a suburban community of medium-density homes ...
I personally mismanaged it, being honest with you, it was the fault of mine,” Abe Atiyeh said. “I’ve never in my life seen a ...
The planning board in neighboring Brunswick County will take up multiple projects Monday. Around 600 units — a mixture of ...
City Council has passed phase two of “site plan lite” – an ordinance amending development regulations for residential re-subdivisions and multifamily residential site developments of five to 16 units.
The 16-unit project, a partnership between Ed St. George and Isla Vista Church, heads to the South County Board of ...
Rutherford County officials continue to work on PlanRutherford after facing opposition from home builders, real estate professionals and developers.
Market values for residential properties have increased across the county by an average of 67% in the last four years, ...
But Atiyeh continued to pursue other avenues to develop the property, including attempting to rezone the property into medium density residential and build condos, which the zoning board rejected ...
The Mawhinney lot is across the street from Park City Library and is mostly used for surface parking, including the overflow ...
A townhome community is planned in Jacksonville at 7535 Fort Caroline Road between Townsend and Allenby Drive. Arlington home ...