Nebraska Furniture Mart is a family business with a long history and a simple motto, “Sell cheap and tell the truth.” These words came straight from the mind of Rose Blumkin, the founder of NFM.
A tour led by an 88-year-old guide in Bastogne, Belgium, scene of a critical battle of World War II, offers a snapshot into ...
A Nebraska farmer became the president of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association in February. Previously, he served in ...
Patrick Henry reportedly lifted a dagger-like letter opener and plunged it under his arm as if into his chest before uttering ...
1871 — Lincolnites discussed paving the streets at the University of Nebraska. 1881 — A thief in Howard County hit a farm, stole two buffalo robes and a scoop shovel and milked all the cows.
A Nebraska bill to allow some feedlots to apply for “exempt” status from brand inspection requirements and to raise the cap on the brand inspection and recording fees awaits a floor hearing. The ...