The team at Saint John's University is working on their first project, a 30-foot-wide instrument with over 3,000 pipes.
Being an organist might seem like a solitary job, but German maestro Leo Krämer never feels too far from his listeners.
T.J. Duffy, a regular performer of the noontime organ concerts for many years, said during Friday’s presentation that pipe ...
Director of Music and organist Adam Brakel will perform Bach’s Cantata 106 during the 10:30 a.m. service, and six works for a ...
The National Concert Hall (NCH) is set to spend an estimated €2.6m on a new 'world class' pipe organ for the redeveloped main ...
Father and son Jonas and Chris Nordwall came to Juneau from Portland to take a look at the inner workings of the only ...
BYU’s new music building can be called impressive in many ways, but one of its claims to fame is it boasts the third largest pipe organ in the state. With more than 4,600 pipes, the organ is the only ...
The National Concert Hall (NCH) is set to spend an estimated €2.6m on a new ‘world class’ pipe organ for the redeveloped main ...
Right now the organ is “at a delicate tipping point with the instrument where there’s only a couple organists who will play it,” said Ellen Carrlee, curator of the museum, which has owned th ...