Freeze dance is another theater game that can be used as a brain break. This movement break can be as long or as short as you ...
For infants and toddlers, this includes activities that nurture their language development and fine motor skills, while ...
In a preschool classroom in Banning Lewis Ranch, a youngster ponders a set of small, colored rings, stacked atop each other ...
CHARLESTOWN — The Goddard School, which is part of a nationally acclaimed early childhood education franchise, has opened a ...
movement games, and live and recorded music. Sessions, at Wester Hailes Baptist Church, encourage children to listen and copy sounds, enhance their physical development and coordination ...
• Sterling Heights Public Library will continue curbside materials service, phone service, and home delivery/outreach service ...
Students learn animation, 3D printing and making music at Drexel lab dedicated to integrating sciences and the arts.
Announcements may be sent to [email protected]. Pictures are welcomed. Dates and times must be included.
Dr. Flemmie Kittrell was a Black home economist whose research in the field of early childhood education shaped the way we ...
Southern Local Elementary students reached their $2,000 goal after finishing a fundraiser for the American Heart Association.
Some places in Bell County have plans for Spring Break! The Stewart C. Meyer Harker Heights Public Library is presenting a week of exciting activities called ...