Hattiesburg Alliance for Public Art unveiled a new mural Thursday entitled ‘Freedom Summer ... the story of the historic summer, featuring portraits of Robert Moses and Vernon Dahmer.
T his spring the University of Tennessee at Knoxville marks the centennial of the Scopes “monkey trial,” the showdown over the teaching of Darwinian evolution held in Dayton in the summer of 1925.
In a development that will please readers of Robert Caro’s bridge-and-tunnel history The Power Broker, in which the master planner Robert Moses cleverly locks up toll money in bond contracts ...
Robert Hunt was two years older when he signed ... Following seven seasons in Washington, Moses bounced to the Jets to the Ravens and back, but his play has remained rock solid.
As the sun streams through a bank of windows in Dance Mission Studio 3 on a Monday afternoon in February, Robert Moses leads 11 dancers through a rapid series of conversational hand gestures, swooping ...