The Los Angeles County district attorney says his office will not file sexual assault charges against movie producer David Guillod.
The Junior League of Santa Barbara is ready for its annual rummage sale to help at risk youth. The event is in it's 87th year.
Adopting a pet in need of a home can bring joy to people, as well as impact communities by alleviating strain on overcrowded shelters, according to Santa ...
Between grand wooden tables, porcelain dishware, and eclectic statement jewelry, The Vintage Fox has something to offer for ...
Federal housing authorities announced that a COVID-era emergency housing voucher is running out of cash — and there’s no plan ...
From wild ponies in Virginia to bison in Yellowstone, here are seven wildlife-rich destinations—and tips on how to be a ...
There’s no time like spring break to get you thinking about what to do with your kids for the summer, amirite? Just in time for your peace of mind, ...
The egg McMuffin is approaching its 50th birthday. We're looking back at the history of this iconic fast food dish, which ...
Barbara Steveni (1928-2020) was a pioneering artist who broke boundaries with new concepts such as “the artist as a living ...
Everyone’s talking about Netflix’s new mini-series ‘Adolescence’ that talks about a 13-year-old boy killing his classmate ...
New palm trees have gone in to fill in the historic median on State Street at Los Olivos St. The Jelly Palms are in an area with trees as old as 1924.
About 350 people visited the Western Flyer, the most famous fishing boat in the world, at Santa Barbara Harbor on Wednesday, ...