A Shasta County union leader says a U.S. Supreme Court ruling made it illegal to force public workers to join a union.
The California Energy Commission's staff report said in part the proposed wind farm would cause unavoidable environmental ...
The message from the second Shasta Shasta County public safety summit: Prosecutors, public defenders are understaffed, ...
Shasta County supervisors voted to sue residents who want to change the county charter to require hand-counting votes and ...
Shasta County’s old courthouse in downtown Redding has a future date with the wrecking ball. The Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 on Tuesday to raze the 1950s-era, three-story building and then ...
A Shasta County official wanted a judge to make a quick decision on whether to free him from having to write a title and ...
A proposed Shasta County ballot measure that would require hand counting ballots on election night and mandate voter ID is ...
Laura Hobbs, one of the five sponsoring the ballot measure, said they hope to start collecting signatures next week.
A Shasta County Superior Court judge ruled against her claims, which in September of last year were also denied by the California 3rd ... Village breaks ground in Redding. Will it have a spa?