Museo rakennuttaa 130 000 euron avustuksilla esiintymislavan. Lavan on tarkoitus valmistua vielä tämän vuoden puolella.
Simo Häyhä is considered to be the greatest sniper of all time , reported to have taken 505 kills. All of his sniper kills would be achieved during the Winter war of 1939 to 1940.
It’s amassed an impressive 94% approval rating on the review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, with one critic describing the ...
A third season of Record of Ragnarok is in production. After six incredible rounds, humanity and the gods are tied at three wins apiece. With seven more pulsating fights to go, Netflix has confirmed ...
Rahoitusta aukion kehittämiseksi ovat saaneet sekä Rautjärven kunta että Kollaa ja Simo Häyhä -museon tukiyhdistys.
If you fancy yourself the next Simo Häyhä, then the Sniper Elite series offers the perfect way to replicate the Finnish finisher’s accolades. One of the series’ more recent installments ...