When you sing ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ or ‘Amazing Grace,’ for that three minutes, you are united in heart,” he told CT.
The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square is a world-renowned, 360-member choir credited with over 4,900 episodes of its weekly live performance of “Music & the Spoken Word.” The program is the ...
I wanted to see if there wasn’t something we could do as a choral ensemble to really be of value here in the Twin Cities,” he said. Since then, the group has embraced music from around the ...
Life got in the way. I became a young widow with two young boys, and later worked full time while attending college classes at night. Sam worked on his show business dream by singing at the King of ...
“Peace on Earth,” the group will unite with children’s choirs for its eighth-annual performance at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8 at Central Lutheran Church, 333 S. 12th St. in downtown Minneapoli ...