Pan Macmillan; £18.99 The last eight months of the war in Europe were among the bloodiest and most destructive. Adolf Hitler ...
At the end of February, 1945 about 1,000 surviving Japanese soldiers based on Ramree Island off the coast of Arakan, a ...
The order was founded during the First Wizarding War, which ended with the supposed demise of Lord Voldemort in 1981. However ...
The moral anchor to the story — and a fledgling detective — is Ruth Novak, a Red Cross officer from London who sets up a refugee camp in the factory. Ruth is Jewish, from a family of Polish émigrés, ...
The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one’s eradicated ...
This is the first time I’ve read about Maine’s Franco American community. Why was it appealing for you and how does it relate ...
T here are a lot of TV shows that have their roots in literature, and this comes from a wide variety of genres. Anything from ...
This metaphor recognises that truth isn’t a lump of gold that we simply pick up and pass on to you. We gather information and ...
This year’s London Book Fair was even more bustling than the last, with a robust American contingent present. While the fair ...
Historians often suggest that America’s super-weapon forced Hirohito to surrender in 1945. Look closer, and the truth is more complex ...
John D’Agostino of the Dunkirk OBSERVER gave me the green light to go out and get stories of local veterans for the In Honor ...