For a guy who grew up in a log cabin, Abraham Lincoln was pretty savvy about real estate.
Not only would he not impose tariffs - which he wrongly claims are paid by Canadians when in fact they are largely paid by ...
Modern farmhouses often incorporate a standing seam metal roof, board-and-batten or clapboard siding, and open floor plans ...
Democratic politicians are barnstorming Republican districts to draw attention to the cowardice of their representatives.
Joseph diGenova, a former Trump campaign lawyer who previously investigated intelligence abuses in the 1970s, was not aware ...
The median year that homes were built has risen as new housing is constructed, largely because of population growth and the ...
Most economists say tariffs are tax hikes, not cuts, since the added costs are largely passed to consumers through higher prices ...
Dave Ramsey has made millions as an investor and an author, but you might not know it by looking at him. He once said in a ...
Today it is a different story. Rich-world rents are rising at an annual pace of 5% or so, the fastest sustained increase in ...
Sitting peacefully amid us in the Pacific Northwest is one of the defining symbols of a trigger-point to America’s involvement in Vietnam in the 1960s and '70s.
How is the White House going to message and square that ... It’s literally ripping the Band-Aid off. Do you think your average American can handle that, even those who voted for Trump? Yeah, I mean, ...