A peace settlement to end a major war can be an opportunity to reorder the world. After the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in ...
The collapse of the Soviet Union greatly reduced the West’s fear of another world war—a fear that had led Western leaders to ...
US President Donald Trump has stated that Washington had "good and productive discussions" with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin ...
The Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) and Social Democrats (SPD) have launched a massive rearmament programme, aiming to ...
A measured, relentless advance applies political pressure. The more destruction looms, the more intense the pressure.
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, broke with his party on Thursday and said he would vote for a Republican-written bill to keep federal funding flowing past a midnight Friday ...
The late Elie Wiesel, the famed essayist and survivor of Adolf Hitler’s camps, once described the Holocaust as “an indictment of our present world.” Eight decades later, that verdict was ...
The American disaster in Vietnam was supposed to have put to rest the folly of US military interventions to shore up tottering regimes abroad. The ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina is arguably in its biggest crisis since the end of the civil war (1992–1995) and the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995, ...
Donald Trump claimed he had “very good and productive” talks with Vladimir Putin and suggested there was “a very good chance” ...
The mayor of Miami Beach, Florida, wants to terminate a lease and cut financial support for an independent film theater that screened an Oscar-winning documentary about ...