For a home theater projector that gives you complete freedom over where you want to project your movies, go for the Samsung The Freestyle. Unlike a traditional projector, it looks like an upward ...
Looking to take the home cinema plunge during the Amazon Spring Sale? Then I'd recommend considering this Dolby Vision ...
When it comes to choosing between a big-screen TV and a projector for your home entertainment setup, the decision can fe ...
A movie projector that fits in your bag (or even your drink holder) sounds like a gimmick, but the Anker Nebula Capsule 3 proves it’s the real deal. This soda-can-sized powerhouse delivers big ...
Today's projectors can elevate movie night virtually anywhere, even in the yard. Long gone are the days when oversized boxes produced dimly lit images on walls—modern tech has given even budget ...
There’s no time like the present to transform your TV into a home theater and the deal on the popular HAPPRUN 4K Google TV Movie Projector from Amazon will let you do it at a discount.
I'm an ISF-trained video calibrator and have written countless equipment reviews ranging from speakers to high-end TVs and projectors. I'm an admitted movie fanatic, and spend much of my free time ...
We don’t know whether this was the intention, but we certainly get a futuristic vibe from [Sam Baker]’s home cinema projector mount. It’s no mere bracket, instead on command the projector ...