A little over a month later, on April 19, the British would attempt ... Neither term — Whig nor Tory — was a clearly defined, organized political party at the time of the Revolution.
Westminster commemorated the 250th anniversary of what became known as the “Westminster Massacre.” In 1775 two local men, ...
On March 20, 1995, 12 people were killed, and more than 5,000 made ill in a nerve-gas attack on the Tokyo subway system. A ...
The Victorian era featured many political giants. Robert Peel, Benjamin Disraeli, and Lord Salisbury are some obvious ...
Following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854, the country’s two major parties, the Democrats and the Whigs, began to factionalize. The political fallout was felt as far away as ...
Every president who came earlier was born while the United States was a British ... under Whig candidate Zachary Taylor and assumed the office after Taylor died. To this day, he’s the last president ...
In Great Britain, the Labour Party broke away from the Liberal Party, which, in turn, had broken away from the Whigs. The salient point is that all political philosophies overlap untidily with others.
LONDON (AP) — All five parties in Greenland’s parliament issued a joint statement on Friday rejecting President Donald Trump’s latest effort to take control of the strategic Arctic island.