There is an echo of McKinley’s spirit and Roosevelt’s strategy in the early Trump White House. For a president who said that ...
Seven descendants of former U.S. presidents will speak in front of a live audience at the Harry S. Truman White House in Key ...
Within hours of taking office, President Donald Trump outlined in one of his many executive orders a mission to celebrate ...
The fact is that Trump is not the first, nor likely last, American political leader to covet Canada. Former U.S. president ...
Strangely, over a century, America’s two major political parties gradually reversed identities, like the magnetic poles of Planet Earth switching direction. When the Republican Party was ...
The actor hosts a three-part documentary on FOX Nation about Yosemite National Park and a legendary camping trip there in ...
Mark Hanna gave Mr. Gage the Treasury post in William McKinley’s Cabinet. Theodore Roosevelt irked Mr. Gage, and he left the Cabinet as soon after Mr. McKinley’s death as it was proper to do so.
Donald J. Trump seems more aware of American might - and less afraid to use it - than any US president since the "Gilded Age" ...
President McKinley took the train to Niagara Falls on Sept. 6, 1901. He viewed the Niagara Gorge, crossed part-way over the Honeymoon Bridge (staying on the U.S. side of the border) and traveled over ...
Dear Leader’s urge for Lebensraum is getting a frosty reception in the Great White North, as Aislin indicates. Apparently ...