Pan Macmillan; £18.99 The last eight months of the war in Europe were among the bloodiest and most destructive. Adolf Hitler ...
James Holland explains complex military movements into clear, engaging prose that makes "Cassino ‘44: The Brutal Battle for ...
The novelist who brought three of the “greatest heroines” of World War II to life in back-to-back gripping stories will lecture in Lockport as part of the Secret Weapons of World War II: Women, Books ...
John D’Agostino of the Dunkirk OBSERVER gave me the green light to go out and get stories of local veterans for the In Honor ...
In the end, we may not really know the Third World War has happened until it enters "the history books as a real event in retrospect", said Rosenfield. The world is perhaps in as tense a position ...
Many people might remember it as the Mead Ordnance Plant, but no matter what people called the Nebraska Ordnance Plant, it ...