Michigan Department of Natural Resources has confirmed a case of chronic wasting disease in a Salem Township deer.
In humans and other multicellular organisms, cells multiply. This defining feature allows embryos to grow into adulthood, and ...
West Virginia’s containment area for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), or “zombie deer disease,” has expanded to another county.
Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore's "The Walking Dead" comic book series begins in the heart of chaos. Rick Grimes, a deputy shot ...
"Monsters have overrun the zoo..." Viva Pictures is releasing a fun animated comedy movie called Night of the Zoopocalypse in ...
Possible signs of zombie trees include dying branches, increased woodpecker activity, fungi growing on the trunk, and exposed ...
An incurable infectious brain disease that’s deadly to deer, elk and moose continues to stalk the land. By 2015, it had expanded to 23 states and two ...
Daisy Ridley leads 'We Bury the Dead,' a horror film that swerves back and forth between traditional and novel.