Volkswagen of America has brought a piece of its German heritage to U.S. shores with the limited release of its famous VW ...
Root Atelier has unveiled its first-ever fashion collaboration with renowned automotive brand Brabus, marking the latter’s ...
Fans of James Bond can now catch a glimpse of what it is like to be the suave, fictional British Secret Service agent in the ...
Ami Paris is expanding into the world of hospitality with its most recent venture. Opening the brand’s café location in ...
LEGO champions a vast creative pool of established change-makers, having recently partnered with Pharrell Williams and Lando ...
根據 Variety 最新報導指出 DC Studios 正在製作一部最新電影計畫,這次將會以「反派」為主,目前鎖定「班恩」與「喪鐘」兩名蝙蝠俠知名反派,並找來《Captain America: Brave New World》編劇 Matthew ...
有趣的是,歌名〈BLEU〉本身即帶有曖昧氣息。靈感取自經典香水系列,從「香氣」味覺作為燃點,藉以隱喻約愛、暈船的情慾遊戲 —— 就如同香水噴在身上,短暫的感情後終究也會散去。
曾在《Harry Potter》系列中飾演 Minerva McGonagall 的英國女演員 Maggie Smith 於週五早晨離世,享壽 89 歲。 「我們非常遺憾地宣布,女爵士 Maggie Smith 於 9 月 27 ...
NBA 開季持續倒數,沉寂多時的交易市場總算傳來重磅消息,根據 The Athletic 記者 Shams Charania、Jon Krawczynski 報導指出, Minnesota Timberwolves 將把當家中鋒 ...
本次投資計畫由 Moncler 董事長兼執行長 Remo Ruffini 居中協調,LVMH 將通過收購其旗下投資實體 Double R 10% 股權,進而間接入股 Moncler。目前,Double R 已持有 Mondler 約 15.8% 股份,而接下來,也將運用 LVMH 所以投入的資金,將持股比例提升至 18.5%,以強化 Remo Ruffini 作為 Mondler 主要股東的地位。