The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented crisis characterised by widespread disruption and significant loss of life. Governments worldwide responded with a myriad of containment measures aimed at ...
Liverpool is perceived as exceptional, a city apart from the nation, and its health services are no different. Alder Hey, the city’s children’s hospital, reaffirms this perspective. Its name is ...
Dental ethics is a specialised branch of dentistry addressing ethical issues in dental practice. However, dental ethics and diversity are thought to be at odds within the practice of dentistry.
We report a survey of audience members' responses (147 questionnaires collected at seven performances) and 10 in-depth interviews (five former patients and two family members, three medical ...
In this article we explore the historical antecedents and ongoing perpetuation of the idea that medical professionals must adhere to a specific ‘character’. In the late nineteenth century, an ideal of ...
Correspondence to Dr Stella Bolaki, School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow, 5 University Gardens. Glasgow, G12 8QQ; stella.bolaki{at} Alan Radley's previous work has focused on ...
This work explores recent industrial action by doctors in the British National Health Service (NHS) through a psychoanalytic lens, exploring psychosocial context and the role of unconscious phantasy.
The present study aims at establishing if anything has been learnt from 140 years of modern architecture when it comes to designing for inpatient mental health and to identifying how architecture can ...
Following an initiative taken by the Nuffield Trust, an ad hoc steering committee consisting of the authors of this paper was convened under the auspices of the Trust in order to bring about the ...
This essay explores the contradictory, prejudicial attitudes towards circumcision and Jewish male sexuality circulating in eighteenth-century English print culture. I argue that while Jewish men had ...