A recent poll released Thursday showed that 39 percent of the South Korean public supports the ruling People Power Party and 37 percent supports the main opposition Democratic ...
The amount of outstanding overdue wages in South Korea has exceeded two trillion won, or around one-point-38 billion U.S. dollars, for the first time in history.According ...
Interim leader Kwon Young-se of the ruling People Power Party(PPP) responded to criticism from both inside and outside the party on Thursday to the effect that the PPP should ...
President Yoon Suk Yeol has appeared at the Constitutional Court for the sixth hearing in his impeachment trial.Yoon, who is currently in custody at the Seoul Detention Center, ...
Acting President Choi Sang-mok reiterated that he was initially unaware of the contents of a note he received December 3, the day President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law.On ...
The Bank of Korea has identified the impacts of U.S. trade policies under the second Donald Trump administration as the key variable in this year’s current account. The ...
South Korean government agencies and major financial institutions have blocked access to the Chinese artificial intelligence(AI) service DeepSeek on their employees’ ...
Kim Hyun-tae, the head of the 707th Special Mission Group, has testified at the sixth hearing of President Yoon Suk Yeol’s impeachment trial at the Constitutional Court. According ...
Penjabat Presiden Choi Sang-mok kembali menegaskan bahwa dirinya tidak mengetahui isi catatan yang diberikan oleh Presiden Yoon Suk Yeol pada hari deklarasi darurat militer ...
Berbagai instansi pemerintah Korea Selatan terus memblokir akses penggunaan layanan kecerdasan buatan (AI) asal China, DeepSeek.Pada 6 Februari ini, sejumlah kementerian ...
尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領の弾劾審判の6回目の弁論が6日、憲法裁判所で行われました。尹大統領が「非常戒厳」を宣言した際に軍を動員した指揮官が証人として出廷し、「国会に集まった議員を強制的に排除する指示はなかった」と証言しました。 証言に立ったのは、陸軍特殊戦司令部の特殊部隊「第 ...
La Cour constitutionnelle a tenu, ce jeudi, la sixième audience du procès en destitution de Yoon Suk Yeol. Lors de la séance d’aujourd’hui, trois témoins ont été interrogés.