A recent paper suggests that if astrobiologists want to make an educated guess about what life on Venus might look like, they should look to a weird microbe called A. ferrooxidans, found here onEarth.
Plus: A solar eclipse and an occultation of the Pleiades as our satellite skims through several constellations in the sky ...
Agency describes the flight as a ‘crew-capable post-certification mission’ but acknowledges the possibility of flying without ...
Astronomers have identified the source of strange radio flashes: a binary system containing a white dwarf, the remnant of a ...
Christopher Nolan and Sir David Attenborough recently received the prestigious Hawking Medal for Science Communication.
STARMUS x The Kennedy Center’ will be part of the spectacular Kennedy Center EARTH to SPACE festival April 1-2, 2025, in ...
Martian lake beds and deltas reveal the Red Planet’s watery past. But many puzzles remain, scientist Bruce Jakosky says.
Plus: Observe two stunning spirals, see Venus reappear as a morning star, and enjoy the Last Quarter Moon in the sky this ...
The Pleiades, Ptolemy's Cluster, the Large Magellanic Cloud — here's how to center the sky's brightest deep-sky wonders in ...
A type Ia supernova occurs when a white dwarf draws hydrogen from a companion. But Sirius A and B are too widely separated ...
Fast-moving stars in the Milky Way received a powerful kick from the Large Magellanic Cloud — and a central black hole might ...
These particles are so ghostly that trillions of them pass through Earth each day without notice. So, how do we detect them?