The *Aghori Series*, a bestselling national sensation, unveils the secretive world of Aghoris—their mystical rituals, ...
In a couple of weeks, as March is all set to bid us goodbye, so do the dreaded final exams (phew!). With report cards ...
This book takes you deep into the world of a fierce and powerful Grama Devata—a protector, guardian, and swift force of justice. Through gripping stories and ancient wisdom, it unveils Bhairava, ...
This book takes you deep into the world of a fierce and powerful Grama Devata—a protector, guardian, and swift force of ...
Looking for a short, philosophical read full of wisdom, I came across Thich Nhat Hanh’s Two Treasures. Having heard and read about the world-renowned Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk and his writings, I ...
After a long time, I have finally returned to the enchanting world of poetry. Though I started reading this collection months ago, I soon drifted away, unable to appreciate the subtle depths of its ...