Antisemitism has endured for centuries, taking on new forms with each generation. How do we explain how reasonable, ...
Sharon Shapiro is Trustee and Community Liaison at the Ruderman Family Foundation, an internationally recognized organization ...
Domestic violence is not unique to straight relationships, but it might manifest differently in diverse relationships. Here ...
As they embark upon a new academic year, today’s Jewish college students are facing a historic nexus of crises and require ...
Being a first responder means being constantly exposed to trauma and loss. When seeking support, the first responder prefers ...
When we try to act morally, we often feel lost, as if goodness is an abstract concept outside of ourselves, something we must chase. It seems like a distant ideal—an external entity we need to conform ...
Voting is a powerful pathway to register our connection with others, in our dissatisfactions, pragmatic goals, and vision for ...
Plant compounds like caffeine, L-theanine, tryptamines, and polyphenols can alter brain function, potentially influencing ...
The human mind-body’s guiding priority is survival, which wouldn’t be necessary in eternity. There would be no need for ...
My mom’s mental illness ironically played a healing role in my own. My mother would say two of the most curative words: "I ...
If you were raised by narcissistic parents, do you struggle with your sibling relationships in your adult life?
Physical touch in romantic relationships is often synonymous with sexual contact, but touch serves many roles in a ...