The UNCF (United Negro College Fund) announced it will host its 12th annual UNCF New Orleans Mayor’s Masked Ball on March 22 ...
Ultium Cells' manufacturing plants in Tennessee and Ohio raised $7,758 for the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) during Black History Month.
According to a new study, students at HBCUs have better mental health than students that attend other colleges and ...
Black students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs) experience better mental health outcomes in several key areas compared to their peers ...
African American students who attend Historically Black colleges and Universities, or HBCUs, are less likely to use drugs and ...
According to a new study, HBCU students were nine percentage points more likely to report signs of mental “flourishing” than ...
Looking ahead to the end of the month, it's the 10th Annual Mayor's Masked Ball. Over the past decade, more than $1 million have gone towards a worthwhile cause, and here to tell ...
Titled "Community, Culture, and Care: A Cross-Institutional Analysis of Mental Health Among HBCU and PBI Students," the report was developed in partnership with the United Negro College Fund ...
Robert J. Mrazek is a master at reinventing himself. He was a Suffolk County legislator in the late 1970s, represented New ...