Think poodle skirts and leather or lettermen’s jackets, pompadour hairstyles for boys, beehive hairdos for girls and dances ...
Some 50-plus seniors were in attendance and ... The fourth session on Feb. 25th, perhaps the highlight, will be a sock hop. Several Rotarians and seniors are already buying or digging out poodle ...
But hold onto your poodle skirts and leather jackets ... The Silver Diner’s interior is a perfect blend of nostalgia and contemporary comfort, like a ’50s sock hop with Wi-Fi. Photo credit: moodya A ...
VB, however, rocked a tiny mini-skirt and her legs look glorious ... people should stay away from certain styles once they hit 50, but Victoria proves this mantra is silly. It's all about styling ...
Photo Credit: Dillon Dunn The black and white checkerboard pattern running along the top of the facade screams “sock hop,” while the red and white ... Well, hold onto your poodle skirts, because Woody ...
Carpinteria’s AgeWell Senior Programming invites community members aged 50 and older to a ‘50s Sock Hop Dance ... Dress in your best 50s attire – whether it’s a poodle skirt, leather jacket, or ...
While his 2019 full-length "ZUU" was his attempt at making a retro hip-hop club record, his now-classic Kenny Beats mixtapes have allowed him to stretch his sound into wild new directions.
A costume can transform actors into 18th century lords and ladies, man-eating plants, or teens at a 50s sock hop. Fashion designers can turn a model on a runway into a living, breathing work of art.
“Our band front directors Heather Miller and Holly Henry really pushed for a Sock Hop themed show this year. Their vision for the show was lots of big twirling poodle skirts,” said Woods.