Amid the turbulent 1960s counterculture and musical radicalism, some saw the psychedelic era as a means to find new ways of expressing their Christian faith.
Trump and his people target those that the Bible is most concerned about: children, the poor, immigrants, the sick and disabled, women, the vulnerable, and the earth itself.
THE MOSAIC CHURCH is a documentary streaming on Angel Studios. In the region of Megiddo, Israel, a team of archaeologists ...
Catholic leaders criticize the timing of Shelton's special election early voting, citing conflicts with Passover and Holy ...
Early Christianity faced numerous challenges, both from external persecution and internal doctrinal disputes. Among the most ...
Sacred springs and rivers throughout Ancient Greece were revered as sources of divine power, associated with healing, ...
In the "Ecclesiastical History of the English People," the Venerable Bede wrote that Redwald, King of East Anglia starting ...
Researchers believe an ancient shrine or worship site in Hawaii acted “as a sophisticated seasonal calendar.” The heiau, as it’s known in Hawaiian, was reconstructed in 2007 and dates to the ...
Researchers found evidence that an ancient Hawaii place of worship was “a sophisticated seasonal calendar and more.” Photo from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa The system helped ancient ...